Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Western Culture and the Scientific Method by Shaquonna Jones

 PHS 100 Environmental Studies
July 22, 2014

            The Scientific Method has been used for years and is a traditional methodology to research. It is used often in day-to-day life as well. “The scientific method is a techniques method for testing ideas with observations.” (Withgott, 2013) The method of science had multiple steps that sometime require repeating. The steps are observation, questions, hypothesis, predictions, test and the results. The repetition comes in the latter steps: prediction, test and results. In these different steps of the scientific method involves many variables that play a role in the outcome or the desired outcome. The implementation of the scientific method has influenced the western culture.

            In the western culture the scientific method has broaden the knowledge of many people on many different levels. The western culture in my opinion is a culture that is being influenced to growing to new heights as technology and science is progressively influencing the path socially and culturally. The culture has continually growing and changing. The method of science or experimenting is as well. There have been so many things revealed due to the scientific method that has allowed the culture to grow. Not only grow but to pass on knowledge that has been gain through the experimenting, testing and failed attempts of experimenting. Understanding why things happen in the world is something people question often and this method has answered questions that have come up over the years. The western culture has been enhanced scientifically with Aristotle’s contribution in the development of “measurements and observations” to Roger Bacon’s development of “hypothesizing and experimenting” the western culture has been forever changed in the way observations are processed. (Shuttleworth, 2014)

            The first step is simply making an observation. We make observations every day that cause us to question, which is the second step, or peak out curiosity. When we observe something we automatically ask questions. Children are great at observation and question asking when something sparks their interest. Children are mini scientist. I have a six year old who makes observations and follow his observations up with questions very often. He seeks understanding in all things. A popular question of his is “why does it rain or where do clouds come from?” Asking questions is important to a scientist. The questions lead to developing a hypothesis. The hypothesis is the answer to the logical question. The logical answer that I give my son in response is to look it up and see what scientist say or what a specific book/website has for an answer. Of course he has his own predictions, step four in the process. His predictions are based on what he has learned the book or website we find the answer on and he will remember the answer until he hears or learns something different. While flying to our vacation destination this summer he was able to see the cloud up close which began a whole set of new questions and observations. In the predicting and testing phase is where children have the most fun because of the ability to guess and test their guesses. I believe this is why science so popular in elementary school. Children are curious and when they can see action behind something they are curious about it excites them. The predicting and the testing phase is where things can also go wrong which may result in starting over or rethinking the hypothesis.
            In the application of the scientific method obviously scientist are not the only ones that put the method to good. In the “day-to-day problem-solving doesn't require such formality. But it does require a logical approach and a progression of thinking that results in a testable hypothesis.” (Harris, 2008) Reading about the scientific method has heightened my senses to being aware of when it is being used around me or in the world today.

Works Cited

Harris, W. (2008, 1 14). How the Scientific Method Works. Retrieved from
Shuttleworth, M. (2014, July 21). Explorable Psychology Experiments. Retrieved from Explorable Psychology Experiments:
Withgott, J., & Laposata, M. (2013). Environment:the science behind the stories (5th Ed.). New York: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

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